👋 Hi, I’m Alison.

I lead product design teams, and solve complex problems with curiosity, and human-centered design thinking.

Currently I’m UX Manager at Shopify — leading designers and building our Marketing Analytics product. Before Shopify, I led product design teams at FreshBooks. I have a proven track record of building user-centric products and solving complex problems that exceed business goals.

Learn more about me, or check out some of my work below.

Shopify Marketing Insights

Supercharged decision-making power with Shopify’s Marketing Insights. Launched in 2023.

FreshBooks Trial Activation

Demonstrating FreshBooks’ unique value in 10 mins or less of the trial journey. Launched in 2021/2022.

Product Design Values

Data-driven insights

Data illuminates our path. Understanding qualitative and quantitative data's role in the design process and user experience is essential. Research guides us towards exceptional user experiences and keeps us and our team connected to the problems users face.

Clear metrics of success

Defining success requires a clear path and a guiding north star. Well-defined success metrics help align expectations and align a team with business objectives. It's about setting a measurable course of intended outcomes.

Human Impact

Design revolves around humans. We create experiences that profoundly affect people's lives, prioritizing their needs, desires, and experiences. Our goal is to leave a meaningful mark on our users.

Always Come Back to “Why?”

Teams need a user-centric north star. Complex problems require the whole cross-functional team to constantly zoom out and rehash, “Wait, why are we doing this again?” to help guide decision making for all stakeholders. It’s a designers job to ensure the team is connected to the user problem.

Collaborative Design

Design thrives when we tap into our combined skills. Engage all stakeholders in conversations about strategy and direction, fostering alignment through meaningful dialogue.

Make it safe to take risks

Design involves testing ideas, failure is a valuable source of insights. I approach design like this to inspire experimentation and taking risks in a supportive and safe setting.

Balancing Business and User Needs

As designers we should effectively understand and deliver solutions that harmonize user and business needs, with the aim to exceed business goals.

Sweat the direction, then the details.

Start by zooming out to get a clear picture: grasp the problem, comprehend the product strategy, and understand user needs. With this solid foundation first, then dive into the the many details that contribute to a great product experience.

Brand Purpose

As designers, we champion customers' needs and our company's mission. Our role is to ensure that every design decision upholds the brand's purpose and commitment to customers.